Monday, January 07, 2013

What to post... what to post...

With the attempt to get back to blogging daily comes a certain sort of pressure, mostly imposed by myself since my 20 or so readers aren't going to pressure me at all. So I'm sitting here trying to come up with a topic and finding my brain is pretty empty after a full day of work.

Back in the day I'd have plenty of links because I'd have spent a few hours earlier in the day browsing the web. Now I don't do much more than the minimum of browsing, which is all I usually have time for. I've stopped reading most of my RSS feeds, and I haven't been able to keep up with my favorite blogs. This is not a bad thing, entirely, because it means I'm working enough to keep me busy.

Anyway, I wanted to post something fun tonight, but I haven't got a lot going upstairs. So I think I'll just post these thoughts and hope to get something more for my next blog tomorrow. Maybe I can find a video or something.


David Oakes said...

No, no pressure at all...

...if you ever want to see (sea?) Aqua-Tot again!


Roger Owen Green said...

What's pleasing you right now? Or ticking you off? Can you remember any of your dreams, and if so, what you think they mean? Tell something embarrassing, or wonderful, from your childhood.