Monday, April 27, 2020

Kidney Saga part 80

I accomplished something entirely new yesterday. I cut my husband's hair.

Ok, yeah, it was a pandemic cut, which means it kind of looks - um - just adequate. I was already exhausted from Saturday's adventures and the return of my back pain (which is really bad this morning), but I really wanted to get the hair cut done. A friend (hi Elsa!) sent us a dog grooming kit that contains a clipper and shears, which is all you need for a basic desperation cut.

Eric's hair grows out kind of funny. It's very curly and fuzzy the longer it gets, so it tangles and turns into this strange medusa-like mess that looks like it's about to attack you. He really did need a trim at the least, but because summer is coming, he generally gets a bit of a buzz. So that's what I tried to give him.

It took me a long time, and I had to sit frequently. By the time we were done and he cut my hair, I was ready to fall asleep. Because it was laundry day, Eric hadn't replaced the sheets on the bed, so instead of sleeping in the bed, I fell asleep in my chair. Unfortunately, that hurt my back even more, which made me more exhausted. I finally fell asleep on the unsheeted guest bed, much to Inkwell's annoyance. He didn't like me in his spot.

I didn't really accomplish much besides the hair cut. But the hair cut was quite a big accomplishment for someone who is sick. Now, if I could just get rid of this back pain, I'd feel great again.

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