Sunday, April 26, 2020

Kidney Saga part 79

Well, that was dumb.

I mean, I'm not entirely sure what I actually did to bring it on, but I apparently passed out yesterday morning from low blood sugar. Only for a moment, I guess, but it was frightening and strange. Fortunately, I was able to stabilize quickly enough, and Eric (with Inkwell standing by) helped get me up and figured out. I have contacted my doctor. If it weren't for the pandemic, I may have asked Eric to take me to a hospital to get checked. But once I was stabilized I decided not to risk going out.

Eric fed me a nice low-carb breakfast. We thought we'd counted it out correctly, but I wonder if the low-carb biscuit mix he was using was actually lower carb than I thought. In any case, about an hour after breakfast I was trying to get to the bathroom when I felt extremely faint and kind of fell over. I was using the walker, but of course I went backwards. Oops. After a moment I opened my eyes saw Eric and Inkwell looking all concerned. It wasn't quite as hard to get up off the floor as the last couple of times, but Eric had to assist me.

I realized I felt cold sweat and recognized the symptoms from when I had low blood sugar in the hospital. I ate some of my emergency candy to bring my blood sugar levels up, then got some more food to try to help stabilize. Then I rested for awhile before getting lunch - and making sure I had both protein and complex carbs. This diabetes thing is complicated to understand and annoying to control. And when you throw in the steroids, which change the equation a bit, and the kidney issues, which limit the foods even further, it's like navigating a nightmare labyrinth.

In any case, after lunch I felt fine. I wrote up the incident for my doctors so they can panic and tell me I should have gone to the hospital. Then I sat down and killed pixels because there was no way I was going to be able to write with my brain so messed up.

The rest of the day was fairly normal - the new normal - although I was very tired and slept after dinner instead of sitting up and reading. My back pain has also returned, which I'm not happy about. I'm not entirely sure it's coincidence, but I'm not sure what back pain and low blood sugar have to do with each other.

I had another "crowd" dream last night. This time, I think I was at a convention and enjoying myself greatly until I started to remember the threat of the virus. Then someone coughed and the entire crowd froze. Every person then started vanishing with little pop noises. And I woke up. I presume I must have popped, too.

I'm going to try to stay stable today, although I thought we did everything right yesterday. That's my sole goal - not get more sick. Everything else will just be a bonus.

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