Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Blog Thoughts

I like BlogSpot. My own website with my on-line name and everything. Of course, I quickly found some problems with the interface.

Biggest problem is that my HTML template erases all my links when I go to edit it. Ooops! I wanted to be able to edit the look off-line, anyway, so I quickly figured out that saving the whole thing in a text file on my machine was a good idea. Then I had the power of changing the colors and adding more links without worrying about losing everything. Works great, now!


Ever get the feeling that you want to write a whole bunch of stuff, but not one thought will form well enough to get out coherently? That's my biggest problem with Blogging. I've got all these things to write, but when I sit in front of the keyboard, none of them want to form.

Ah well, better luck next time.