Thursday, October 24, 2002

Rapid Previews For Jan 2003

First off, I've gotta say it was really nice of DC to cancel two issues of Wonder Woman that I really didn't want to buy. Sure, they are resoliciting them in this Previews, but that doesn't mean I have to re-order them. Bye-bye Wonder Woman!

DC is giving me three Elseworlds in January, after a small drought. Batman: The Golden Streets of Gotham is apparently set in the first decade of the 1900s, otherwise I don't know anything about it. Superman: Last Stand on Krypton is a sequel to Last Son of Earth, so it's worth grabbing IMHO. And of course, how can I resist Generations III? In for a month, in for a year, but I'll buy it.

Other DC books include three Aquaman items. Aquaman #2 is a given for me. The Aquaman Archive looks cool and is going to include more stuff than I had hoped. And there's an Aquaman and Black Manta Super Friends Action Figure Set.

Sticking with DC, since that's what hubby (Eric) and I buy most of, we've got Gotham Adventures, Birds of Prey, Supergirl, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Hawkman (do we really need to keep getting this?), JLA, JSA, Justice League Adventures, Spectre, Titans, and Young Justice.

Of special note is the 10 cent Superman Adventure, which we are getting because of the price. Also, the JLA/Spectre mini looks like it has Aquaman in it, though that could be just a misleading cover, but we'll get it in any case. Power Company is newly installed on our pull list, and highly recommended. In addition to the Aquaman and Black Manta action figure set I'm getting, Eric might get the Green Lantern and Sinestro set.

Non DC stuff isn't as numerous, but there are still a few.

I'd like to drop Marvel completely because of their anti-reader policies, but at the moment we are still getting Amazing Spider-Man and Avengers, and I really wanted to see how Truth plays out, so we have that on order. If I hadn't been zoning completely, perhaps I would have jumped on Captain Marvel with the new #1, but I've missed my chance to buy it easily so I think I'll pass.

From Dark Horse, the only thing we're getting this month is Usagi Yojimbo. This book is so consistently good that it's a no-brainer. It stays on the list no matter what.

The only Image title we are getting is Powers. I'm not even mildly interested in the new super-hero books.

Two regular CrossGen books have made our pull list. Ruse is just cool. I like having a detective comic book, my only complaint is that I wish they would do some more detective stories. And I like Way of the Rat so far, although last issue was a bit of a disappointment because it was all fight and no plot.

On the "maybe we'll get it" list is Crossovers #1, which I keep hearing good things about. This book is not set in the Crossgen universe. I guess we'll decide once we actually get Previews Mag.

Another fantastic book being solicited this month is Girl Genius #9. Any fan of humor books that isn't getting this title is really missing out. To make it easier for people to get into this book, the whole of issue #1 is available on the Studio Foglio Website. At the very least, go check it out.

Futurama Comics keeps dropping off the list, then popping back on again. I'm not at all interested in it, but hubby likes it, so hubby gets it.

We recently tried out Snapdragons and enjoyed it, so we'll pre-order issue #3.

And lastly in the rapid preview, Cardcaptor Sakura... the next graphic novel is being solicited, so we'll add it to the collection.

So, when we get Previews Magazine itself we'll edit the order and I'll post another note about it when we know what we are getting for sure.