Thursday, October 24, 2002

Taking the Blog Out for a Walk

A strange thing happened to me at work today. First, a pounding headache focused just over my left eye. Then, a good half-hour later, a *snap* noise inside my head and sudden dizziness, as well as pain in my left ear. As the headache subsided, apparently from the painkiller I hastily swallowed as it started, the ear pain grew. Then the pain in the ear was gone, but I was very dizzy. Any sudden move threw me into waves of vertigo.

Luckily, I was able to do a sit-down job and keep my head still for a couple of hours.

Driving home was an adventure I'd just as soon never repeat. Indeed, I think I may have been a little too daring to try driving in that state. As soon as I got home, the vertigo hit full force and I felt horrible for a good two hours after. I still feel sick, but not as sick, now.

Besides the sudden sickness (which will hopefully leave just as quickly) I've had an ok day so far. The seventh issue of The Aquaman Chronicles came today, and is an interesting mix of crossover information. John always does a fantastic job with this fanzine and I love being able to read it, not to mention contribute to it.

A comic I didn't mention in my Rapid Reviews was a preview that was put in my box by my thoughtful retailer. The Witch and the Jackal is apparently a fantasy adventure comic. I wish I could say more than that, but eight pages isn't really enough to make a judgement on. There's a little more on the website I just linked to, but it's still not really enough. Perhaps if the art was truly fantastic instead of just pretty good. Perhaps if I knew a little more about the universe it's set in... I don't know. I'm hovering on this one, and might give it a try. It's Canadian, and the $2.65 US cover price is at least original.

I'll let you know if I do give it a shot.

Well, I'm going to try to go through the Diamond Comics Order Form and figure out which books I'm most likely to buy for January. Without the help of at least a Previews text file, it's a tough job, but it's also one of my bits of fun. I like manipulating words and numbers, and the files from Previews are good to work with. Yeah, I'm odd. Tell me something I don't know. Anyhow, I'll probably post a preliminary list of interesting looking books once I'm done, maybe as soon as tonight... maybe "Rapid Previews".

A week from Hallowe'en. I still think I could make a really good Ma Hunkel Red Tornado if I could find the pieces to make the costume...