Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Rapid Reviews - 23 Oct 2002

Smallville The Comic: Typical TV show tie-in. Pretty good main story. It's late enough that the season 2 revelations were all nothing new. Overall, decent. 3 starfish.

Wonder Woman #185: I'm very close to dropping this book. In fact, I think we probably won't be ordering any more. This issue was nothing special. Tied up the last bits of a long on-going storyline, but otherwise wasn't impressive. Art was good, story was good... I just don't have any interest in Wonder Woman. 2 starfish.

JLA #74: Finally an issue that ISN'T convoluted! Unfortunately, there is a little too much exposition. In fact, pretty much the entire plot so far is explained in a couple of pages... which would be ok if I hadn't already had it figured out, I guess. In any case, this doesn't really give away the ending... and I know Aquaman will be back soon. So, 3 starfish. (for my full review of the storyline, check out my JLA: The Obsidian Age review page.)

Green Arrow Secret Files #1: Haven't finished it yet, but just seeing my buddy Scott McCullar's name in print makes my day. GO SCOTT! I've read about half the book so far, and enjoyed it, but the starfish will wait until I finish it.

Haven't read yet: Birds of Prey #48 and Supergirl #75.

Birds of Prey TV Show: Not bad. Not bad at all. Hubby figured out how to defeat the bad guy before I did. I'm kind of tired of the "I'm a tough girl, what're ya gonna do about it" attitude that Huntress exudes, but that's really my only nit with the show so far. 3 starfish.

Smallville TV Show: Already gave my thoughts on this one, just decided to make it official. Nice creepy beginning, but the story didn't rely on the mystery of who was admiring Lana, so it didn't seem as cliche. 4 starfish.