Sunday, March 09, 2003

Made with Real Girl Scouts?

It's that season again! The season in which we get to bait little girls trying to sell cookies!

Ok, you might think me mean, but we never bait them unless we are buying. The first question, and it must be directed at the youngest girl selling cookies, is "Are these made from real girl scouts?" The parents who watch will generally laugh, but the little girls' reactions range from utter horror to a disgusted, "No!" with that 'what are YOU on?' tone. Very few of them realize that it's a joke, if you say it seriously enough. A variation is, "Are these made with fresh girl scouts?" You have to ask the youngest Girl Scout, because the older ones have already heard it already.

It's also good to ask for advice on what to buy, even if you know full well what you are getting. After all, this is a learning experience for the girls, so it is good for them to get a little practice in the art of the sell. They are supposed to have some patter memorized, so make them work.

I always get Tagalongs, as those are my absolute favorites. Hubby-Eric gets Thin Mints, and a variety of other ones (aside: I can live with one flavor for a long time, but he needs variety. I had the same breakfast every single day of classes in college and never got tired of it. I could, seriously, eat the same thing every day and never get bored with it, but most people seem to prefer different foods).

This year, we bought a box of Thin Mints for a friend who has been sent to the Gulf for the Iraq attack. As soon as we get word that we can send packages, he'll get the cookies from us, and possibly a few other Aquaman list members, as we've all adopted him for the duration (since he's a fellow Aqua-fan, I'm also sending him the newest issues of Aquaman as they come out). I've never been one to criticize the troops just for being troops. My Uncle died in Vietnam as a medic. My father was in the Navy during the Korean War. My older brother is in Army intelligence, now in the reserves. I may not support the war itself, but I will support the troops. Especially the one who belonged to my Aquaman list until he got shipped away.