Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 10 September 2003 - Part III

Time for some more reviews. Maybe I'll even get these all done before I get tomorrow's books! Nah.

Opposite Forces #3: I'd forgotten what happened at the end of the last issue, and so had to go look it up. Ah, yes... talking dog, fainting. Got it. The artwork was odd in this one. First I thought that Tom Bancroft just wanted to get it out faster and didn't have time to finish it, but as the story goes on, it's clear that this is a style. That's confirmed in the text page, where Tom admits to doing this issue more "sketchy" out of preference. As for the story, I'm liking it a lot so far. Several different story threads, and all of them funny. 4 starfish

WildGuard #1: This is better than I was expecting. To be honest, I'm never sure how good the quality is going to be when an artist writes. I should not have worried. The story is only as disjointed as it needs to be to fit the "reality" format. The whole plotline moves along smoothly, with the introduction of a handful of characters we might be seeing on the main team as well as a few of the... unlikely ones. 4 starfish

Warning: After the recent problems with CrossGen, you may want to take any of my reviews of CrossGen books with a grain of salt, as I may be filtering my perceptions through mud-colored glasses. This negative perception will last at least until Robin Riggs is paid for the work he did for CrossGen, and possibly until Robin also gets that personalized apology from Alessi for Alessi's slander against Robin.

El Cazador #1: I wanted to love this book. I wanted to be thrilled by pirate adventure. By great Steve Epting artwork. But the inside front cover derailed me. Two mistakes that are either typos or very poor attempts at puns: First is "Holy Sea". In that particular context it should definitely be "Holy See". The second is in the last paragraph: "ware" should be "were". With that to distract me, I read the rest of the book. Solid, but very predictable. I wanted more. This gets three and a half only because of Epting's great artwork. 3 1/2 starfish

Still to review: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Superman Blood of My Ancestors, Generations III, Fallen Angel, Green Arrow, and Supreme Power. And maybe the Silver Age Teen Titans Archive, if I get a chance to flip through it.