Thursday, March 20, 2003


A fairly clever fellow has changed some old propaganda posters to fit the times, as seen on Newsarama. The full set of posters is also available online. I laughed at a few of them, but if you are a president Bush supporter, I suggest you don't bother visiting.

For another viewpoint on the war, please check out Where is Raed?, a blogger from Baghdad. I trust this guy's reports more than I trust CNN or any other American newscast. Here's some excerpts from an earlier rant on the coming war:

No one inside Iraq is for war (note I said war not a change of regime), no human being in his right mind will ask you to give him the beating of his life, unless you are a member of fight club that is, and if you do hear Iraqi (in Iraq, not expat) saying "come on bomb us" it is the exasperation and 10 years of sanctions and hardship talking.

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The entities that call themselves "the international community" should have assumed their responsibilities a long time ago, should have thought about what the sanctions they have imposed really meant, should have looked at reports about weapons and human rights abuses a long time before having them thrown in their faces as excuses for war five minutes before midnight.

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Do support democracy in Iraq. But don't equate it with war. What will happen is something that could/should have been avoided. Don't expect me to wear a [I heart bush] t-shirt. Support democracy in Iraq not by bombing us to hell and then trying to build it up again (well that is going to happen any way) not by sending human shields (let's be real the war is going to happen and Saddam will use you as hostages), but by keeping an eye on what will happen after the war.

It also sounds like the people of Baghdad were expecting a major operation to start as soon as the deadline passed, and were surprised to wake up and find the city still standing around them.