Friday, March 14, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 12 Mar 2003 - Part II

JSA #46: I've not been terribly impressed with JSA lately, but this issue wasn't too bad. I finally liked the way the action moved, and was finally hit with a cliff-hanger that I not only understood, but was impressed with. 3 1/2 starfish

Superman: Last Stand on Krypton: I guess this one falls somewhere in the middle. I liked it, an ok story, with twists we haven't yet seen in the Superman mythos... but... the enormous amount of Superman Elseworlds make even the best blend into one. If there was more a variety among DC's Elseworlds, this would shine even brighter. 3 1/2 starfish

Amelia Rules #9: I actually cried. Yup, I felt the tears, they were real. I truly felt for Amelia and Sunday. The Oz bits had added resonance thanks to my hubby-Eric's obsession with Oz. And the comic strip inserts were just wonderful tributes to the various original artists, while still moving the story along. 4 1/2 starfish

Age of Bronze #16: Shanower's incredible run continues with yet another fantastic installment. While keeping away from the mythic parts of the story, he still manages to show how the gods and goddesses affect the people in his story. Anyone who has the least bit of interest in the story of Troy should be buying and reading this book. 4 starfish

Next Week: Birds of Prey #53, Smallville #1, Supergirl #80, Green Arrow #22, JLA Scary Monsters #1, Power Company #14, Truth #5, Crossovers #3