Wednesday, April 30, 2003


As hubby-Eric and I went to get our free scoops of ice cream, we realized that a precious opportunity had been missed. We should have taken Free Comic Book Day stickers or flyers or something and handed them out to the huge crowd at the ice cream shop. We need to remember this for next year! If the days are close again, we need to take advantage of all the people out to get free ice cream!

As it was, hubby-Eric and I talked about free comics loudly enough that anyone within earshot could hear, and when asked about it, we told everyone to go to Corner Comics in Kenmore, and gave directions. Earlier, Paige (the owner of Corner Comics) showed us the grab bag she's put together for Saturday. People going to her shop are going to get a major treat!

Tomorrow: Rapid Reviews of some of the comics we got today. Sleep well and dream of ice cream.