Super Friends! Aquaman & Black Manta Deluxe Action Figure Set: If there was ever an evil-looking Aquaman, this is the one. His eyebrows are arched in typical evil fashion, and the grin on his face connotes the mayhem he just finished achieving. Unfortunately, he's supposed to be the hero of the set. Black Manta, hiding under his helmet, comes off much better. In fact, he's really cool. And the cute little manta-ship is... well, cute. Still, I've seen worse.
Titans/Young Justice Graduation Day #1: Huh. I thought Tempest had left the Titans? He really shouldn't be appearing in this storyline at all. Not that I mind too much, as it means I get to see more of Tempest. But he should be either in Atlantis with Dolphin and Ian, or hunting down Aquaman. Anyway, the story itself wasn't anything to write home about.
More comic book reviews coming. I'm a little slow this week for various reasons. Still in my pile to review is Power Company, Silken Ghost, Powers, Generations, Aquaman, JSA, Green Lantern, and some other stuff. Since we're about to see the season finale, it's time to review the first part of Smallville's last story:
Smallville: Calling: This is the first part of the two-part season finale. And it has some interesting developments from the soap opera-ey side. Yeah, Lionel is pushing Chloe, and Clark thinks his dreams are coming true with Lana. But what is the ship up to, and is the identity of that voice a clue as to how Smallville will continue to differ from the regular DCU? This is, I think, my favorite Elseworld right now.
As per usual, check out the Smallville Ledger, the Smallville Torch, and now the Chloe Chronicles.
And, since I'm directing you to further entertainment on the web, remember to visit the BBC's re-recording of Shada by Douglas Adams, episode three now up, at the BBC's Doctor Who site.
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