Powers #31: Uh, what? If you "read" this issue, be absolutely sure to read the first column of the letters' pages, even if you don't normally. (Hubby-Eric thinks I should mention that I'm giving this 3 1/2 starfish because after I read it a second time I decided I knew where Bendis was going with it and thought he accomplished it.)
Superman/Batman Generations III #5: This one held together well as a standalone story. It was a lot of flashback, and you need to be passing familiar with the Batman mythos to get some of the references, and passing familiar with the Generations mythos to get the rest, but overall it wasn't too bad.
JSA #48: Billy and Courtney, huh? I am utterly uninterested in Dr Fate, but the kids make for a good plotline, and the cliffhanger was a dandy.
More comics to review: Power Company, Silken Ghost, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and some others.
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