Thursday, May 08, 2003

Scattered Thoughts

The Detroit Tigers are on a four-game winning streak. Not bad for a team that started with 3 wins and 25 losses. When they were playing the Mariners, I noticed that Detroit isn't a bad team. It's just a young team. I was actually surprised that they were doing so badly, because they have what it takes to be a great team. They just hadn't pulled it all together. Maybe this winning streak will help the players get their confidence back. It would be interesting to see them turn into a powerhouse after their lousy start.

The Mariners lost to the Yankees last night. The first game of the series, which the Mariners won, was very sloppy. I like sharp, well-played baseball. So far neither team has really provided it in this series. Maybe they'll play better today.

There was an article in the Seattle Times yesterday about plastics made from corn that are biodegradable in under two months instead of a few centuries like petroleum-based plastics. Not only are they more environmentally friendly, but they also have a renewable source. Not bad! If it all turns out to be true, this is very good news.

Gary Hart has updated his blog with the official word that he's not running for president, and he's returning all contributions (with a suggestion to the people who donated to him to send the money to his favorite charities instead).

I suppose I should make mention of President Bush's use of an aircraft carrier to get some flight time in. Lots of Demos are complaining about the waste of money and time, and saying he should have just flown over in a helicopter like most Presidents did. Sorry, folks. Hate to disappoint you, but I think this one is a non-issue. Lots of Presidents make themselves look good at any opportunity, and this was just another one of those chances. Just roll your eyes at the ever-so-patriotic images of Bush in a flightsuit and get over it.

Here's an interesting article on rebuilding Iraq at Got the link from, which I'm going to have to link to. What's the deal with all these intelligent libertarians? I use to think they were all loons, but apparently I was only seeing the most extremist of them.

I was going to try to find out some information on all the presidential candidates so far, but I'm too lazy to hunt down info on all the Demos right now. Bush is re-running with Cheney as his co-pilot. A bunch of Demos have declared. I'm not sure about any other political party yet. I'll get around to hunting the information down. The election isn't for a while yet...

Anyone else notice that the blogspot ad at the top of this main page tends to change depending on what I'm talking about in my blog? When I mentioned my headaches, there was headache medicine listed. When I get really political it goes to politics ads. As of this writing, it's listing comic books (hrm, I wonder why?). I wonder what kind of key words trigger what sort of ads? I could have fun with this.