Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Scattershot Thoughts

I got an e-mail from Rick Veitch yesterday about a production problem with Aquaman #6:

Just got my comp box of #6 and a serious production error leaves the
last page unintelligable. I've written up a little article about it,
including what the characters SHOULD have been saying according to the
written script. You can find it at http://www.comicon.com/veitch
I'm hoping you can pass the word along to any fans who might be
scratching their heads. Feel free to post it to any message boards etc
(although a link back to my page is appreciated).

So consider this my official passing along of the word. The error involves the dropping out of a couple of crucial sentences, so DC probably won't go to the expense of fixing it.

Yet another interesting link from Mark Evanier, this one to Mr Breakfast.com. What a wonderfully odd site.

Evanier also explains why it's not a good idea to try and make a living in comics right now. This is no surprise to most of us fans.

Here's a link from Neil Gaiman: Mystery of the Man in the Brown Mask.

Great song by Carla Ulbrich, Boy Wonder. Free download at MP3.com. Based on a true story, very folkish. And it has nothing to do with Batman or Robin (or any superhero).

I was going to say something about gambling and Bill Bennett, but I think it's all been said.

There is no error here.