Monday, July 14, 2003

In Other News

Will Pfeifer's column this week is on, um, "The Man Show".

The first blog entry by Howard Dean is up. It's... well... about halfway to what I was hoping to see from Dean. I'm not exactly enamoured of his campaign people putting up entries above and below his, although I can see the need, actually. Anyway, the entry itself is of interest to regular readers of Lessig's blog, as it's about media consolidation. It's not a bad entry. Nothing too special, but coming from a man who might someday sit in the White House, it is interesting.

A special note to anyone attending San Diego Comic-Con, if you notice anything about Aquaman, could you let me know about it? New writer info, promotional materials, whatever... Just drop me an e-mail when you get back? Thanks. And if you should run into Paul Norris, the creator of Aquaman, please tell him that Laura Gjovaag says "Hi!"