Saturday, July 19, 2003

A Little More on Teen Titans

Ok. Re-reading my reviews after putting them up, I feel I may have been unfairly harsh on Teen Titans. Three starfish is the lowest possible rating I'll give to something I enjoyed, but is usually reserved for books I'm neutral on. In this case it is low not because of the quality of the book, but because of other circumstances.

The first circumstance is that I'm just not interested in any of the characters in the book. I'm an Aquaman fan, and this version of the Titans won't have Aqualad in it. Nor do any of the other characters appeal to me. But, I can hear you say, you liked Young Justice! These are the same characters! Well, no... they aren't. Young Justice was very much Peter David and Todd Nauck, and nothing that any other artist or writer can do will ever equal the way those characters worked under that creative team.

And that's my second circumstance. DC cancelled a popular and successful series to make way for this book. A series I happened to like. A lot. I was prejudiced against this series before it even got to the printers because of that. And so, when I reviewed it, I held it up against Young Justice as a measure, and it fell short. Not nearly as far short as I thought it would, but enough so to remind me that I'm still not impressed that Young Justice was cancelled to make way for this series.

You would think that, with two strikes already against it going in, that this book didn't have a chance. But with Geoff Johns writing and Mike McKone on the art, it just couldn't be nearly as bad as I half hoped it would be. The premise doesn't excite me, the characters don't interest me, but the writing was pretty good and the art was very strong. So I'm a bit conflicted. I don't want to give the impression that it was a bad book, but I would like to emphasize that I would not have bought it for myself.

My loyalty to Peter David and Todd Nauck for them getting booted off a book that was perfectly good has led to me getting Fallen Angel and WildGuard. It really shouldn't keep me biased against Teen Titans. I won't get the book, but I suppose if my friend puts it on his pull list, I won't NOT read it...