Saturday, July 19, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 16 July 2003 - Part III

Teen Titans #1: I had decided not to get this book, but my friend decided to toss it on his pull list, so I picked it up for him (along with KISS #11, which I flipped through but didn't read). This issue has good art, strong writing, and absolutely no reason to exist. The whole premise, bringing together the "kids" for training on the weekends strained my suspension of disbelief almost as much as Dick Grayson being willing to pull together a group of strangers into a new Outsiders group because he wasn't worried as much about strangers being killed. However, this worked as a comic book much better than Outsiders. In short, the execution was great, but I still think the book is a waste of time (and a poor replacement for Young Justice). 3 starfish

Amelia Rules #10: Heh, that is one funny-looking Nancy Reagan. And a decent story about two gals who misunderstood each other from the start. While this one isn't as great as the last two, which were more serious stories dealing with Amelia's family and relations, this was a solid issue. 3 1/2 starfish

Girl Genius #9: oooh, there's so much fun in this issue. I really wish this book would come out just a little more often. As far as the story has advanced, it's hard to believe we're only on issue 9. The back and forth in this issue was great, though there is a disturbing theme developing along the route of Agatha's future. Very interesting. As always, Phil's art has so many little touches that make the book worth re-reading. 4 starfish

Still to review: Aquaman, Arrowsmith, and Silken Ghost.

News from the con: CrossGen premieres comics on DVD, Jill Thompson premieres the Scary Godmother Animated Special, Comic Book Resources presents still more photos from the con, and here's the Eisner winners.