Sunday, July 20, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 16 July 2003 - Part IV

Aquaman #8: While this is definitely the strongest issue since number two, it also suffers from a major and painful flaw. The art is just bad. It's servicable enough to tell the story, but OH how I wish Sal Velluto had done the art on this issue, too. Enough complaining, let's get on to why I like the story. The Thirst was getting boring, so the introduction of a new element was vital. And what better new element than Aquaman's most hated enemy? Better than that, Rick Veitch took the Manta from both the McLaughlin run and the twisted Peter David Underworld Unleashed version and made it all fit, giving Manta a history and a motive that works for the character. But here's something to think about (spoilers): (end spoilers). I was told that Veitch's run would slow down and then build to an amazing finish, I think I'm seeing the signs of that happening in this issue, and I'm getting thrilled with this book again. 4 starfish

Still to review: Arrowsmith and Silken Ghost.