Monday, July 21, 2003


I'm having trouble writing even a quick review of Arrowsmith, and I'm not sure why. I seemed to have just tapped out on my reviewing skills for the week or something. So, while you are waiting for my final Rapid Reviews from last Wednesday's books, here's some thoughts on an upcoming book: WildGuard.

If you visit the website, you'll see the profiles of a whole buncha new superhero characters created by Todd Nauck to vie for a spot on this new superhero team. The final team will have five characters, and the audience for the comic, you and me, gets to vote for the final member. The first issue of the comic book itself won't be out until September 10th, but you can vote once a day now until October 31st on your favorite characters. Yeah, there's not a lot there to tell you about the characters, but there's enough to get you started...

For instance, I counted two water-based character in the list, and voted for Aqua-Chica, as she seems to be my kinda gal, right down to the obsessive-compulsive problems. I'm also fond of Toughlon, he looks cool and I may have to vote for him later. Once the series itself starts, my votes will change a bit to reflect who I like in the book.

Anyway, as a comic book fan, I recommend that any of you out there who reads comics participate in this new experiment of comic book interactivity. Todd Nauck is a really cool guy, too, so support him by buying the book (it's only a six issue mini) if you can afford it.