Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 2 July 2003 - Part III

Detective Comics #784: Got this one because of the Alan Scott appearance. Hubby-Eric is a big fan of the original Green Lantern. The cover was off-putting, but the interior art is great. As is the story. I love it when stories in Detective Comics are actually detective stories. 4 starfish

Batman: Nevermore #4: Things are getting a little hot, but this is classic Batman and classic horror and it just works. I've enjoyed this mini so far, and I'm looking forward to reading the last issue. 4 starfish

JSA All Stars #3: Ooooh, Doctor Fate. Oooh... incomprehensible gobbledy-goop story of fate. But the back-up story is fun. 3 starfish

Still to review: Age of Bronze, Radioactive Man, Formerly Known as the Justice League, and Justice League Adventures.

And does anyone have any idea why Diamond Comics hasn't updated their shipping list this week? "Technical difficulties" seems a bit of a lame excuse for not posting a text file.