Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Possum Update

I called the department of fish and wildlife to find out what I should do about the opossum in the crawlspace. Mainly I wanted to know how I could be sure it wasn't leaving any young behind. The nice woman on the other end of the line said that if a possum had young at this point in the year, they would be with her at all times, so it's safe to close up the hole as soon as we are sure the possum is outta there.

One way to determine if a possum has left the building is to sprinkle flour around the opening it uses. Then check for tracks. If there are no tracks at all for three days in a row, it's safe to close. If the only track you see are outward bound, then it's safe to close. If you see inward bound tracks, don't seal it up.

So I've sprinkled some flour, hoping it doesn't rain, and made sure the hole was big enough for the animal to get out. There was a bit of fur caught on the remains of the vent that was in the hole. I think it tried wiggling out and had trouble. I'm not sure if it's still there or gone now. Hopefully we'll find out soon enough.

As long as I'm posting, here are some useless links:

A conservative writer, Doug Bandow, calls for his fellows to uphold the law of the land and call Bush on his WMD claims. This guy seems to think that switching justification for a war after the fact is wrong, and might lead to the executive branch having too much power.

Grad Student Sean Gorman's dissertation is so good, just about everyone who has seen it wants to classify it and make sure nobody else sees it. The only problem with that attitude is that Gorman got all his information from publicly available sources, and what has been done once could easily be done again. Trying to classify his project isn't going to get rid of the underlying security problems that made it possible.

Spinsanity is once again dealing with rabid misquoting throughout the political spectrum. Of particular interest is the "God told me to strike at Al Qaeda" quote from George Bush, that apparently gained a lot in the translation, if it was even said at all.