Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 23 July 2003 - Part I

Birds of Prey #57: I don't like Huntress, but she works ok in this context. Overall, not bad. I'm not sold on this yet, but it isn't as stupid as I was afraid it would be. 3 1/2 starfish

JLA: Scary Monsters #5: At one point in this series, I liked it much more than the regular JLA book. Reading this issue, I'm not sure how that happened. Well, besides the fact that the regular JLA book has gotten pretty bad. This issue is nothing to write home about. It's ok, but the sheer brilliance that made me like the earlier issue is gone. 3 starfish

Outsiders #2: If not for the last page, this issue would get the same two starfish as the last issue. Because of the last page, it gets two and a half instead. 2 1/2 starfish

Still to go: Crossovers and Futurama.