Saturday, July 12, 2003

Various Bits

Here's a strong and compelling essay on why we can't bring our troops home from Iraq. The conclusion? "Simply put, the Americans can’t stay, but neither can they leave" Thanks to my blogmomma Elayne Riggs for the link.

And here's yet another article on why perpetual copyrights are bad.

Speaking of copyrights, Lawrence Lessig, that warrior for the public domain, is going on a week's vacation, and leaving his blog in the hands of a guest blogger: Howard Dean. This is Dean's chance to impress me. I haven't been terribly impressed with his supporters' overwhelming enthusiasm (it's the "too popular" effect, when people are raving so much about something that you just want them to shut up and you don't want anything to do with what they are raving about), but maybe the man himself can negate that effect. Let's see, a week's worth of blogging from a very busy man... I expect at least three decent length (three paragraphs or more) entries during the week... I expect him to say stuff that isn't regurgitated campaign speeches... considering where he's blogging, I expect at least a mention of his stance on public domain... I hope for something personal about the man himself, maybe an anecdote about what it's like to run for president. If he disappoints me and just regurgitates speeches, I'll be less likely to consider him when it comes to the decision of the lesser of evils on voting day.

How do you get off a Harvard mailing list? Fake your own death. But, unfortunately, Erik Humphrey Gordon found that not even that worked out as planned. This one is really funny, folks (well, at least I thought it was funny). Via The Volokh Conspiracy.

And, my last thought of the night... Moby Dick has been spotted in Austrailia. Link via Daily Dish.