Yah! It's a Fair and Balanced day for free speech! Reuters, Associated Press via Yahoo, CNN, and Fox News. Some quotes from U.S. District Judge Denny Chin: "There are hard cases and there are easy cases. This is an easy case. This case is wholly without merit, both factually and legally." and "Parody is a form of artistic expression protected by the First Amendment. The keystone to parody is imitation. Mr. Franken is clearly mocking Fox." and "There is no intent by Franken to palm himself off as a Fox commentator." However, the case is not settled yet. The judge simply refused to grant an injunction that could have stopped sale of the book, but he did not end the case. So I plan on staying Fair and Balanced a wee bit longer, until we know this thing is dead. You see, the Fox spokescritter was heard to say after the hearing: "We don't care if it's Al Franken or Al Lewis or Weird Al Yankovic. We're here to protect our trademark and our talent." And that argues that they will continue to fight.
Here's some animated political cartoons at Mark Fiore's Website. If you have the time, go to the main page and just move your cursor around. It's kinda fun to watch the donkey and elephant beating each other up. Don't forget to move around on the links at the top, too. Oh yeah, you gotta have flash installed for this to work. via Mark Evanier
For another bit of fun flash animation, go to Henson.com and move your cursor over the Kermit icon in the corner.
Here's an interesting article about how people perceive their leaders, and how people would vote for those leaders. via Franklin's Findings
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