Friday, August 22, 2003

Late Nigh--- Morning Thoughts

There is something moving around in the back yard, making lots of noise. I keep hearing it, going over and turning on the back light, and not seeing anything. Then as soon as I sit down again, it starts making noise again.

Ever want to read a Jack Chick tract while snarky 'bots make rude comments? Here's your chance! By the way, if that's how D&D games are supposed to be, I've clearly been going to the wrong games for years. via Pop Culture Gadabout

Sean Collins has an excellent essay on manga on his blog. I certainly agree with many of his points. Definitely worth reading if you are a comic book fan. And, best wishes to Sean's wife, too (I doubt he'll read this, but it's a good thing to say).

Our local regular comic convention finally has a website. Yah! This is the con where I started getting sketches, and I plan on attending and asking some folks that are there for permission to post their sketches.

Quadruplets. No fertility drugs involved. Wanna read more about them? Here's the latest Seattle Times update on this poor family blessed with unexpected extra kids.

Wil Wheaton discusses his encounter with a bear after rambling on for a long time on various subjects. I've met a bear, and I'd rather not meet one again in any kind of similar circumstances.

10,000 dead in France. Yeah, read that again. Ten THOUSAND. From a heat wave. In a supposedly civilized country. How can this happen?