Sunday, September 28, 2003

Marysville Teachers Strike Update

Not really much to say. There's been no progress in the negotiations, because the mediator isn't calling the two sides back until Wednesday! The district has been spinning the news to make sure that the teachers will be blamed for the delay, as their expensive mouthpiece has been constantly saying that the district would like to meet every day. The district is also sending out mailings on a regular basis that cost a lot of district money (estimated $4000 for each mailing) to all the parents in the district, keeping them "updated" on the negotiation process despite the gag order from the mediator.

I built a new page here on my blog to link to all my Marysville posts, as well as to the major sources of information in the strike: Marysville Strike Blogging by Tegan. I hope and pray that page will be retired soon as irrelevant.

The parents message board has found hubby-Eric's blog. As I've been posting to the message board for awhile under my well-known nick of RealTegan, I've explained our point of view. I realized that hubby-Eric's archives were bloggered, so I set up a parallel archive on my site, so folks can read his story from the beginning. The contrast of his early entries to the more recent ones is very painful for me to read.

Thank you to the folks who have posted encouraging words on hubby-Eric's blog, and e-mailed me with words of support. At this point, such boosts are desperately needed and deeply appreciated.