Wednesday, October 01, 2003

More Random Thoughts

I'm going to do a strike blog later. Just a warning.

Comics came today, so I plan on some reading in a bit. A good list, ten books. I hear that Indy HeroClix also arrived, but I didn't see them as I didn't stop by the shop.

It's October, and there has been no bombshell of proof about the WMD by the Bush Administration. Another lie.

I didn't sleep well last night. I had horrible dreams of trying to build something out of LEGO, and the pieces just wouldn't snap together right, or they would snap loose just as I got another piece on. I attribute the dreams to the fact that the shop just got a ton of LEGO in and we have no place at all to store it. I suspect I'll have worse dreams tonight, if today's lack of progress is any indication.

Too tired to think now. Be back later.