Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 1 October 2003 - Part III

I meant to finish these reviews quickly, but the depression hit and nothing even vaguely creative was coming out. I think my little curse rant helped get the creative juices flowing a bit.

Supreme Power #3: This is mostly the story of a reporter relentlessly following Hyperion and trying to discover his true nature. While it leads well from the last issue, and is a good tale, I wanted something more from this. It might just be the nature of this series. I know some of what is coming, and I'm eagerly awaiting it. 3 1/2 starfish

Powers #34: I'm still not entirely sure what this is leading up to, besides the fact that Walker is impossibly old. But I'm definitely amazed by the way Bendis continues to amaze me on this book. Every time I think I may have it figured, he zips off in another direction, turning only long enough to give his readers the raspberry before they join in the chase again. Keep it coming... 4 starfish

Usagi Yojimbo #69: Jotaro and the Lone Goat's Kid! Wow. This is the, um, crossover of the century! This issue is mostly set-up, but as usual it's fantastic. 3 1/2 starfish

Astro City Local Heroes #4: The first page declares that this is a horror story. And yup, it is. How can the normal standards of law apply when there are people in the world with superpowers? Interesting question, and a horrible situation that Busiek has created to demonstrate it. 3 1/2 starfish

This week's comics: Crossovers, Futurama, Generations, Fall Angel, H-E-R-O, JLA, JSA All-Stars, World's Best Sampler, and El Cazador.