Thursday, October 09, 2003

Curse Update

After reading and re-reading, I decided that what was needed was a second curse, not an update on the first. Again, readers beware, this is full of rage, and in the end is absolutely meaningless. It may be a curse, but it will have no effect. It's just venting.

First off, the clarification. The "other members of the administration who have aided and abetted" from my first curse does not include every member of the administration. There are a large number who are on the teachers' side, but are keeping their heads down due to the nasty nature of their so-called leaders. My curse is not on those who have no choice but to follow or risk losing their jobs, though I wish they could stand up against the corruption. In this economy, I cannot blame them.

And now, the continuing curses against the people trying to destroy the Marysville School District, and my family in the process.

I curse the outside agitators, including the entire Evergreen "Freedom" Foundation, a group of lying dirtbags if any ever existed. Those scum are lower than sewer water, and smell less pleasant. The Marysville district was doing fine until they brought in their hatred and sputum. Their willingness to use the children of the district, and to turn the children against their teachers with spiteful words, shows how rotten they really are. A thousand times my previous curses I heap upon these vile creatures, and I curse them with vile lives to match their vile souls. I hope they never find joy in anything ever again.

A million times the curses I heap upon Judy Parker, the hired gun PR consultant who is wasting thousands of dollars that could have gone to resolving the strike with mailings and to pay her obscene salary. May her teeth rot in her mouth, may her hair grow brittle and fall out. May her hands shake whenever she tells a lie, may her legs become too weak to hold her. May she frighten little children in the street, and may good people turn away from her because of her countenance. May she suffer every agony she has inflicted with her lies back again a thousand-fold.

I'll save any further curses until Governor Locke makes his statement. But there may be another one in store. I hope not.