Tuesday, February 03, 2004


I slept for a couple of hours last night before I was woken by a pain in the side I was sleeping on. I turned over, and the pain switched to where the pressure was. I tried various poses, trying to get rid of the pain, but no matter how I tossed and turned, it hurt. Eventually it enveloped my whole body. Every muscle screaming, every joint protesting every move. I wondered if I was having a nightmare, if I maybe wasn't really awake. Maybe I was dreaming the pain. But it felt very real. I was too tired to get up and find some painkiller, and it hurt so much I didn't really want to move, anyway. I slept fitfully between bouts of pain.

And I still hurt. Every muscle feels like I just ran a long race. I can't sit, stand, or lie down without hurting more. It's enough to drive me bonkers. So I've scheduled with my doctor. But can I last long enough to go see her? And how am I going to drive when I hurt so bad I can hardly see?