Friday, February 13, 2004

Random Thought-Thingys

Well well well. I haven't exactly recovered from my bout of fibromyalgia-induced agony, but I think I'm responding to treatments. Last night I couldn't sleep. I usually plan on around 10 hours of sleep a night, and still feel exhausted even when I do sleep that long. But I slept about six hours the night before and last night I just couldn't get to sleep. So I wandered around in insomnia until 5 am, at which point I crashed completely. Then I woke up at 10:30 feeling bright, cheerful, and better than I have in months. I think I may be getting better.

Anyway, I thought it might be time for another Random Thoughts post. So here I go.

First off, the scan of Julius Schwartz's autograph I posted on Sunday is from my Green Book 'o Autographs. I don't exactly remember which San Diego con I got it at, from its location in the book I'd say 2001. I saw him in the DC booth, and they were about to start a session of some sort but were delayed in setting up some sound equipment. I dived into the opening, and snuck up to Julie with my book open and a pen in my hand, and after he signed, I thanked him for everything he'd done for comics. He smiled at me, and thanked me for reading, and shook my hand firmly before I left. In my heart I knew it would be my only chance to meet him, and I'm glad I was bold enough to do it. I may not have any truly interesting story about him, but I did get to say the most important words I needed to say: "Thank You."

Ok, on to the more trivial stuff.

Elayne's cat Datsa is now a part of The Infinite Cat Project. You can see Datsa here.

Neil Gaiman has a long post that talks a bit about being an embarrassment to his daughter but also mentions the latest trick of Captain Morgan the-cat-who-likes-to-insert-himself-up-people's-noses-while-they-sleep. He also mentions Vitamin Q, which is an odd and cool blog of lists.

Dirk Deppey has answered the call to become Managing Editor of The Comics Journal.... which will limit the time he has to work on ¡Journalista! So ¡Journalista! is going on indefinite hiatus. Dang. Best news source for comic and cartoon fans on the internet is shutting down for a bit. Yeah, I've already signed up for his update list so I'll know when he comes back. Probably won't stop me from looking at a dead page everyday anyway.

John Jakala's sarcasm is cutting. I know my review of Previews is better than the one he links to (at least for variety of books), but I am a superhero fan and I do list the DC and Marvel stuff I get...

H at The Comic Treadmill discusses HeroClix, particularly the playability of the game. As a former player, I found that your team was more important than who hit first... In any case, it looks like there won't be an Aquaman in the next DC expansion, so I can probably skip it.

Bill Sherman still likes Plastic Man. So does my hubby-Eric, so it stays on my pull list despite my opinion. Oddly enough, I think my husband reads more comics than I do, despite me being the person who introduced him to regular reading of comics.

Via Mah Two Cents, John Kovalic is now blogging: Dork Tower Tidings.

Doc Shazam is writing a Role Playing Game in the OB. Start with this post and read up. If you dare. (Inger, I dare ya!)

He had to climb the Great Wall to do it, but Olsen Ross has adopted. Go congratulate him on his daughter.