Monday, March 15, 2004

Random Thoughts

About time I did a Random Thoughts post, don't you think?

To start, here's yet another Alan Freakin' Davis cover for Aquaman! I swear, DC couldn't have found a cover artist I liked better if they asked me.

As usual, this will be the cover Aquaman sports in two month, on June 9th. I tried very hard to not actually read the solicitation, as it usually gives away information about the story that's coming up in the next few issues. That's one of the biggest problem with longer story-arcs. One of these days I'd like to see a whole bunch of single issue stories in a row.

Anyway, the rest of DC's solicits for June are up at their website.

Neil's back from vacation and in the snow. I think he kind of wishes he was still on vacation, don't you?

Kaja Foglio reports on the Vashon Island Nerd Herd.

Jeff Parker's Friday entry is about The Children's Museum of Portland, which makes me want to visit the place.

ADD has tons of reviews up as well as an offer to try to raise some money for his blog. Go visit.

DC has a reader survey up. If you read comics, go answer the survey. via The Hurting

And, just for the heck of it, I'll remind you that Aquaman #16 is due out this Wednesday:

That's it for this Random Thoughts... and beware the Ides of March.