Saturday, December 11, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 8 December 2004 - Part II

Bloodhound #6: "Run The Gears": This issue seems to be entirely about Cleve's problems with returning to prison. Not just prison, but the general population of the same prison that he busted heads in when he left for his first mission. Of course, a little mystery pops up. This book continues to fascinate me. 4 starfish

JLA #109: "Aftershocks": The story is quickly becoming complicated and slightly incomprehensible. However, I was able to understand Obsidian Age so this will be a piece of cake. I suspect I will need to reread to catch everything though. At least Aquaman is in this version of the Justice League, and seems to be a contributing member again. And it really is fun to see the Crime Syndicate running around loose, even if I'm not entirely sure about the Quardians. 3 1/2 starfish

Samurai: Heaven & Earth #1: "Chapter 1: Love and Death": A promising start to what looks to be a very interesting book. I like supporting books that are slightly different. The first paragraph of the author's comments at the end pretty much sum up this book: "What the world really needs, more than anything else, is a comic about a Japanese warrior traveling across Europe, written by an American and drawn by a Brazilian. And printed in Canada." Heh. In any case, it's beautiful. Recommended. 4 starfish

Demo #12: "Mon Dernier Jour Avec Toi" and "Marie & Mike": Wow. I never expected to read an illustrated poem in comic book form like this. I was chillingly sure of the ending fairly quickly into the book, and was disturbed to be right. Haunting. Marie & Mike jumps back to the first issues and reminds me why I picked up this series in the first place. While each issue certainly stood on its own, it would be interesting to go back and read them all in order. 3 1/2 starfish

Powers v2 #7: The powers are slowly returning, despite it being illegal. And it seems that most people like it. This one features Christian giving some advice, and Deena getting lied to. Pretty strong issue. 3 1/2 starfish

Aquaman #25: "Escape": Gleason and Alamy's art continues to grow on me, and whoever did the title of this issue really outdid himself. That's the good.

The story? Well, I never once in my life expected to say this, but Eric Larsen did the drug angle better in his short-lived and much detested run on the book. And as much as I like Sub-Diego, this is not Aquaman's first time running a city. Some of his comments struck me as very odd. Overall, a mild disappointment in the writing department. I hope it improves. 3 1/2 starfish

Still to review: Noble Causes, PS238, and a few more. Also coming are some TV reviews.