Friday, September 16, 2005

Arrr! Random Thoughts

Today is the second day of Holy Pasta Week!

Sep 15-19 is "Holy Pasta Week"

If you like your Flying Spaghetti Monster set to Kipling, check out Song of the FSM Side by Kate Gladstone.

And, for anyone who needs it, here's an Introduction to the Scientific Method. The difference between Science and ID is that Science looks at the facts and forms a hypotheses which is repeatedly tested and altered until it becomes a Theory, while ID starts with the "theory" and explains away the facts to fit it. ID is not science, by any stretch of the imagination, and thus only complete idiots would expect it to be taught in science classes. Arr. Ramen.

I was fascinated by the two letters linked to by The Leaky Cauldron from the first one proposes that you can teach genetics using Harry Potter, the second one argues that there isn't enough information in the books to make the case for genetics being responsible for Magic ability.

Trash Heap's brother is Scott Free (not my joke!). And John also reviews Local #1.

Why Aquaman is better than Namor. I could pull up some examples of Aquaman doing the same, but I think I'll just leave it be...

Someone else enjoyed the Aquaman post at Comic Treadmill.

Comic Book Urban Legends revealed! I knew about the Sub-Mariner crossover, but I didn't realize that Aquaman #57 became a story in Eerie. I'm going to have to seek it out one of these days.

TV Guide online has more about Aquaman's appearance in Smallville, including: "His agenda is all about the environment, and he's going to teach Clark that he needs to use his powers on a global level, and not just at a local level." Environmentalist Aquaman... hmmm...

How We Got Engaged! A love story by Dave Roman and Raina Telgemeier in comic art form.

Aaron points us to a bunch of cool links, like to a recipe for cake he found, and a blog about generators.

Brian Wood likes getting snailmail.

It's amazing when someone writes a review that completely sums up everything I was thinking about a book, but wasn't able to express in my own review.

John Byrne versus Wikipedia. When reality and rumor collide. The entry in question is here, and yes, some of the stuff that was there before is certainly worth deleting, but it's clear that Byrne himself jumped in without a clue as to what a Wiki is then got mad when it didn't do what he wanted it to.

Ah, too bad... I wanted this to be a good book. Now I know I don't need to hunt it down.

Johnny B does a Meme that's far too much effort for me to attempt right now.

The Beat tells us about an exhibition of LEGO artwork. Sort of. Artists recreated works in LEGO, then had a party with LEGO minifigs representing them. Check out Dali's Lobster Phone, and the original, as an example. Or just look at the whole list of works.

LEGO toy drive for hurricane relief.

Steven asks a strange question... if libraries hadn't existed in the past, and someone was trying to start one in today's super-copyrighted society, would libraries even be allowed to exist?

It's a Really Cute Computer Mouse. Via Shawn.

Fuel from dead cats. Not.

Augie has some good links, including a case for putting important stuff at the bottom of a webpage. Hmmm.

Science Fiction predicted it. An awful story with a link to a great short story.

5th graders reenact Devo's Whip It.

MetaFilter covers vat grown meat again, and an interesting moral issue is brushed up against. If lab grown meat is possible, would it be possible to make lab grown human meat? Eeek.

A collection of eBay Auctions for under $1 ending in less than an hour.

Google Earth threatens democracy. Huh.

Speaking of Google, BlogSearch.

I nominate this kid for the stupidist racist in the world award.

Myths about Katrina debunked.

TV Cameraman in NOLA. Read it.

Hrm. Amusing.

The international community responded to Katrina just like Americans respond to every international disaster. Now, if only the Bush Administration had let them into the country in a timely manner instead of claiming that help wasn't needed.

Senate Republicans refuse to let an independant commission look into the government's response to Katrina. The cover-up continues.

A solid Katrina Timeline, which has been recently updated to include more details.

You can only have power when the President is in town for another photo-op.