Saturday, September 17, 2005

Ahoy! Random Thoughts

Today is the third day of Holy Pasta Week!

Sep 15-19 is "Holy Pasta Week"

Hubby-Eric made spaghetti last night. Tonight: Tortellini!

I was going to go into the beliefs of the Discovery Institute (the shame of Seattle) today, but after visiting their website I felt so icky I had to go take a bath. Let's just say they are utter morons and liars, and they call it "Intelligent Design" just as a way to avoid calling it "Forcing Science Teachers to Teach Christianity". Their whole goal is to sound so reasonable that you can't object to them, until they get their way, at which point their beliefs would be forced into the schools and you'd have prayers and holy song instead of learning the scientific method. I'd MUCH rather hear about the Flying Spaghetti Monster. At least seeing your science teacher in a pirate outfit would be entertaining. Arr. Ramen.

Time for the good old screw to get updated. What next, a high tech nail?

Stories from NOLA.

LEGO welcomes hacks of their programs, thus getting more people to notice it while making the program itself much better to use. This is a company that is taking full advantage of the new interactivity between customers and company, instead of trying to crush anything that doesn't fit their old model, like the recording industry is doing.

Another good quote.

Google explains Googlebombing.

Statler & Waldorf are at it again.

The most perfect design ever for A Powerstrip. I want one. It looks like a squid.

I think this is just a sign that people are stupid enough to accept just about anything. For the record, Dateline: Hollywood is a parody site, like the Onion.

Terry Fox.

Slashdot on Miyazaki.