Saturday, September 17, 2005

Rapid Reviews - 14 September 2005 - Part I

I only got six comic books this week... and I still haven't read them all. Very unlike me.

Action Comics #831: "Black & Blue": I wasn't sure what to make of this one in a lot of ways. The main plot with Black Adam against Superman was sensible enough, but it lacked drive. It just seemed to meander into action. The Bizarro back-up was completely nonsensical, which is to be expected, but just didn't work for me. In short, I didn't really like this one. Wiki. 2 starfish

Star Wars: Empire #34: "In The Shadows Of Their Fathers": I picked up this one for my friend, and read it. I was a bit confused at first because Luke was taking about his father as if he didn't know much about him. Well, then I noticed that Luke had both hands and the whole thing made much more sense. I wouldn't mind reading the whole storyline, as this ending seems pretty good. A decent issue. Wiki. 3 starfish

Green Arrow #54: "Heading Into The Light": More tie-ins to the huge crossover event, as Green Arrow hunts down Doctor Light. And we get to see Doctor Light and Doctor Light. This one is not bad at all, as it builds nicely to the cliffhanger. A pretty standard superhero book. Wiki. 2 1/2 starfish