Saturday, December 10, 2005

Another Linkdump

I'm already thinking of starting CARP, The Committee for Arthur's Return to Power. It ought to be a fun little game to play while waiting for the first Busiek issue of Aquaman to hit the stands...

Mark Evanier has another edition of There's No Such Website! This time I did awful, not getting the right one until the fourth try. Eric got it on the third try.

Johnny B's NFL Picks. I think the Seahawks chances are very good in tomorrow's game, though nothing is ever certain until the game is played.

More on the music industry's belief that all customers are thieves: Anti-P2P company decides to focus on selling music instead of stopping piracy, Music store downloaders don't care about legality... they care about a good product at a good price, and The EFF urges maker of malware to let people know which CDs are infected so people can avoid installing stuff that lets viruses into their machines. The EFF points out that this malware is on other labels besides Sony, so avoiding Sony doesn't make you entirely safe.

I'm not sure what to make of this story about a guy in Dallas getting 11 days in jail for jaywalking, except that it confirms my desire to never ever visit Texas.