Sunday, February 16, 2020

Kidney Saga part 22

One of the more frustrating aspects of the whole ordeal has been the prescriptions. I should have enough brainpower to have told each doctor as I had appointments what I was running out of, but I didn't, and for at least three medicines I actually ran out. Sorting out who was the provider to request a refill from and how to do that was annoying.

Even more annoying was that I started the process in what should have been enough time, but ended up not succeeding on the first or even the second try in both cases. I'm going to be much more careful, now, but it was a headache I did not need on top of everything else. No wonder people die from not getting the right medications, when it can be that difficult to manage it all.

Fortunately, all appears to be settled on that front. I know what each medicine does, and who is supposed to provide it. Hopefully that will be enough to make sure I keep getting the stuff that will keep me alive.

On Tuesday, Feb 11, I felt pretty darn good in the morning and even managed some computer laptop time with Inky on my legs. But after breakfast I just crashed. I mean, I slept pretty much the entire rest of the day, even after we'd opened up windows to air out the house. Mother-in-law arrived, and I had a conversation with her, but I don't remember it.

Wednesday was better. The raging rash is back to being mild, the medication tweak is still working to reduce the edema, mother-in-law brought hair shears to reduce the amount of fur on my head, and she also brought new food ideas. All together, good news.

On Thursday, mother-in-law made low sodium biscuits and gravy for me for lunch, thus making sure one of my cravings was dealt with in the neatest fashion. Very rare for me, I needed to have extra pepper added to make up for the lack of salt, but it was very good.

My face is swollen most of the time, which is annoying. It's a side effect of prednisone, which is, as the doctor said, "an extremely useful but very obnoxious medicine". It keeps people alive, but the side effects are nasty.

Mother-in-law also trimmed my hair on Thursday morning while I still had energy enough to sit up. It felt good.

Unfortunately, I pushed a little too hard on Thursday since I felt good enough to get some stuff done, and as a result had a big crash Thursday night and Friday morning. *sigh* I will never learn.

Full Kidney Saga