So, on Monday the 9th of March, Eric took me to the Prosser Hospital to get my lab tests done. We got home, I struggled up the stairs with Eric's help and then we got a phone call to tell us to get to the Emergency Room right away.
If you read my post from the ninth, you might realize what happened. My blood sugar levels were so high I was very nearly in a diabetic coma. I had all the symptoms, but didn't recognize them.
That morning I had dutifully sent a note to my doctors describing in detail all the symptoms I thought were from my main medication, and also told them about my fall. I suspect that note combined with the immediate lab results were what sent me to the hospital.
I don't remember a lot from that day. I remember being confused, and trying to figure out where I was. I thought I was at home, I thought I had died, I thought I was dreaming. There was a doctor at the Prosser Hospital emergency room that, in my memory, looked like an insect. I still can't figure out exactly what I was seeing. They decided I needed to be sent to KADLEC, but weren't sure when that would happen. I heard different things as the evening progressed, then I was suddenly in an ambulance.
In the ambulance, the EMT kept asking me questions to keep me conscious. He started a saline drip at one point, I think. I'm not sure, but I remember the bag above me. I remember being very cold the entire time, but I'd been very cold a lot.
I eventually ended up that night in a hospital bed at KADLEC again, in the oncology ward. I had no idea where I was for quite some time. I tried to update on Facebook with my phone, and I think I managed a couple of very short statuses, but I was too weak to raise my hands or feet.
To be continued...
I have added a couple of items to my Kidney Wish List. I am so thankful to the folks who bought me much-needed supplies. Every thing from the list I've gotten has been used extensively.
I put a table on the list, since I need more room to organize all the medications and diabetes stuff, as well as somewhere to sit and eat. I put the socks on the list because I need foot coverings. The other item is probably self-explanatory. I don't expect anyone to buy these, but it's good to have the wish list to remember what I need since I keep forgetting things.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Kidney Saga part 44
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