Sunday, April 05, 2020

Kidney Saga part 60

Friday is not a day I want to revisit. It was full of existential dread and back pain.

Saturday morning I got up and showered, watching large hunks of hair fall onto the drain. My hair is thinning dramatically, but I don't yet know if I will lose it completely. I don't mind either way, as it's much easier to maintain if it's not there. If it does go all the way, I plan to try to get some nice purple scarves/hats to wear. I bet Etsy has some cool stuff.

My clothing is finally starting to get loose as my skin shrinks to match my body. It's a very odd feeling. However, I love loose clothing and have used clothing with lots of elastic for years, so I can still wear most of my clothes. The physical sensations of having lost so much weight so fast are really strange - sometimes painful but more often just uncomfortable.

Mentally I've been all over the place, and I can no longer tell if it's just the prednisone or if the lockdown is also getting to me. It's not like I got out much before the virus hit, so I'm not sure why I would have cabin fever. Mostly, though, I'm feeling ok - I'm safe and protected and lucky to have shelter and medical aid in these trying times.

Inkwell continues to monitor me. He has regularly given me purr therapy, which was much appreciated.

I received another package yesterday filled with socks from Elayne. Having plenty of socks makes me happy.

Tomorrow is infusion day. I will first head to Prosser to get my blood drawn, then to Kennewick to have a scary drug put into me. I'm so tired of needles, especially now that I'm doing the diabetes thing, but I just have to endure. I have it a lot better than many people right now.

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