Monday, September 22, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 17 September 2003 - Part III

Cinnamon El Ciclo #2: I daresay the second issue is a little tiny bit better than the first. And I liked the first issue a lot. There's a dynamic being shown here that is both effective and fascinating. Cinnamon herself taking revenge on those who killed her father, now the daughter of one of those Cinnamon killed is after Cinnamon. But there is so much more in this book, including some things you just don't see in comic books. And that's a good thing. 4 starfish

Thieves & Kings #42: More character development, but not a lot more than that. A nice battle at the beginning, but the rest of the book is just building on what is already there. 3 1/2 starfish

Shrek #1: The main thing reading this comic did was made me want to go watch the movie again. It was fun and very well done, and I found myself wanting to get reaquainted with the characters in the movie by watching the movie again. Definitely a fun book. 3 1/2 starfish

Arrowsmith #3: Wow, the artwork on this book is just wonderful! I love it. And the hints as to the full extent of this world are just... overwhelmingly cool. I like Fletcher, and I am really enjoying seeing him grow from naive farm boy into ... something else. I am really enjoying this series. 4 starfish

On Wednesday: Usagi Yojimbo, Empire, Green Lantern, JLA, Amazing Spider-Man, and Silken Ghost. Maybe. If everything comes.