Thursday, May 06, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 5 May 2004 - Part I

Justice League Adventures #31: Ah, another "careful what you do" story with flash-forwards into possible futures and a rather pat ending. It isn't a bad story, there's just not a lot there. Although seeing the entire League show up for the funeral of people who were caught in the crossfire of a rather tame-looking (for a superhero book) crime is a little odd. No, this one is ok, but nothing special. 3 starfish

Thor #78: This storyline does plan on ending someday, right? Worse, the art makes it unclear whether or not Thor ever actually picks up his hammer. And who the heck is Tarene? This is a jumbled mess instead of a pay-off, and that's just annoying. 2 1/2 starfish

Plastic Man #6: Ha ha. The Fantastic Four. Very funny. You know, this could have been worse, but I can't think of how. 1 1/2 starfish

coverWith the regular books absolutely failing me, it's time for another pick from the AIT/Planet Lar box. This time I pulled out Johnny Dynamite: Underworld.

Johnny Dynamite: Underworld by Max Allan Collins and Terry Beatty: I didn't think I would like this. I've never been really into hard-boiled detective tales, and it was clear just from the cover that this would be that kind of tale. So I was more than a little surprised that I sat and read it cover to cover in one sitting, ignoring everything else around me as a read. It was good. Unexpectedly good. Yeah, there's the detective, and his almost-cliche history, and all that jazz... but the story moves along at a crisp pace, never sitting on one idea too long, and the art is excellent and gives the whole story a proper feel. And hey, there are zombies. You just can't beat a tale with zombies. 4 starfish

Still to review: Swamp Thing, Birthright, and DC 100 page Super Spectacular.