Sunday, May 02, 2004


We like to think better of people who share our interests, but at two different cons in the last week artwork has been stolen. If you know anything about these thefts, please contact the police.

From Wondercon, Bill Howard, in his own words:

My Avengers #6 splash by Jack Kirby and Chic Stone was stolen at Wondercon today. I was on a Comic-l panel with Len Callo and Brian Peck. I had some art on the table after the panel concluded. Since the art was in my possession all day, I can only guess that someone nabbed it when I turned my back.

I am offering a reward for the return of this art. No questions asked. Everyone knows I own the piece, which I bought from Joe Madellena of Profiles In History for more than $25k this year, so it will be difficult to sell to another collector. Since I was in the process of insuring my collection, it is not insured. A scan can be found on my Lowry Gallery.

If you hear about this piece or are offered it, please understand that you will be accepting stolen merchandise and I will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. I am filing a police report now. This is what I get for volunteering to sit on a panel and display my art. I should have known better.

This is a small scan of the piece (linked to a larger version):

If you know of the whereabouts of this piece, please either alert the police, or contact Bill at wphoward at

UPDATE: A substantial reward has been offered by members of the Comics-l list for the return of the piece. In addition, there is a picture of Bill holding the piece shortly before it was stolen here. There is a page with contact information if you have any information about the piece here.

All bloggers: even if you don't think you have much of an audience, PLEASE spread the word about this piece. Hopefully it will be recovered, but if everyone knows about it being a stolen piece, there's no way the thief can profit from his crime. Let people know. Spread the word.

As if that wasn't bad enough, Joe Linsner, creator of DAWN, had a portfolio of artwork stolen at a mini Pittsburgh convention. According to the source of the news on the Comic-l list, Linsner had been selling out of the portfolio all morning, so it only had half the amount of artwork it might have had. However, due to the nature of the selling, a precise count and description of items is difficult. All the items were dated 2004 and signed, and these are what he can remember as being in the folder:

  • Color marker Conan illo, sword arms and feet spread
  • Color marker illo of Thundra (She Hulk/FF villianess)
  • Thing color marker illo (styilized, big and bulky)
  • Galactus face (single color illo)
  • Warlock upper body color illo, soul jem glowing
  • Deathlok color marker illo, face and torso
  • Various and sundry Dawn single color and full color illos (all dated 2004)

If you learn about these pieces being sold, contact Linsner or the police.