Thursday, August 12, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 11 August 2004 - Part II

Street Angel #1: The word "odd" is not adequate to describe this series. In fact, I checked my thesaurus and didn't find any word that really fits. I do understand why the blogosphere has gone nuts over it, but I'm not sure I'm with them. Ok, the bullhorn bit was really, really funny. And I like the awareness of the reader shown by the whole "in the time it took to turn the page" joke. And it has ninjas, so how bad can it be? (I trust that everyone spotted the ninja pirates in Nodwick?) Mixed feelings on this one, but I think it was fun enough to overcome any problems I had... so, recommended. 4 starfish

Justice League Unlimited: For the Man Who Has Everything: What do you get for the man who has everything? Maybe his most dear fantasy... or... maybe not. This was a good one, if a little disappointing in the sense that they've just introduced a ton of new characters but are making us wait to see more of them while they have a story with three old-timers. The story itself was excellent, and I enjoyed it a lot. 4 starfish

Captain America #30: Got to read this thanks to D. It's an ok story, I like Marvel's habit of recaps on the title page so you can follow the tale. I suppose I would like it more if I actually was interested in Captain America. As it is, it's just an ok tale to me. 3 starfish

Thor: Son of Asgard #7: Got to read this thanks to D. There is something seriously wrong with the art in this book. It's pretty, it looks good, but something just isn't right, and I can't quite put my finger on it. I don't think it's storytelling as I had no problems following the action. But it just didn't read well. But for the artwork, a decent little tale. Part of me rejects the whole "young Thor" idea, though, so I didn't really enjoy it much. 3 starfish

Hellboy Junior: Not what I was expecting at all. There were a couple of ok stories in there, maybe even a good one, but overall a disappointment. Good thing I checked it out from the library. 2 1/2 starfish

Still to review: Aquaman, Bloodhound, DC Comics Presents Flash, Green Arrow, Identity Crisis, JSA, JLA, and Powers.