Saturday, September 18, 2004

Frida- er, Saturday Fitness Blogging

  • Weight = X-3
  • Change From Last Week = -1
  • Met Exercise Goal? Yes
    Goal was fifteen minutes a day (walk/bike/swim) at least six days.
  • Current Exercise Goal = fifteen minutes a day (walk/bike/swim) at least six days.
  • Kept food diary? Yes.

Good news and bad news this week. Ignoring the weigh-in, my legs are really beginning to tone up. My upper body still needs work, but I can actually feel the difference in my legs. Hubby-Eric doesn't mind my checking, as I keep asking him to feel my legs and tell me if they feel more toned...

In the bad news category, when hubby and I walked down to the library yesterday, not a long walk by any means, I started to feel tingles only five minutes in. My exercise has been mostly on the stationary bike, and walking apparently requires a few different muscles. So I'm getting more tone, but I'm not getting enough cross-training.

There's also the upper body problem. I feel like I ought to be doing something to try and reduce my stomach size, or build some strength in my arms, but I'm not sure what I could do. Sit-ups... I have even less motivation for them than with regular exercise. I have some weights and I've considered holding/pumping them while riding on the exercise bike. I'm just not sure. Part of me thinks I ought to hold off a bit longer and make sure I'm fine with my longer exercise times and I keep them up another month or two. If I do too much too quickly, then I usually fail.

I still haven't read this week's comics. I'm really slacking off.