Sunday, September 19, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 15 September 2004 - Part I

Justice League Unlimited: The Return: This may be the first time ever that I was more excited about the closing credits than the episode itself. In fact, I'm having a lot of trouble remembering what the episode was about now that I've sat down to write about it... I'm thinking of Aquaman in the next episode. Ahem. Oh yeah, Lex Luthor and Amazo. A different sort of story, with the League being defeated piecemeal and wholesale while Lex panics. It was very cool to see the Green Lantern corps, and in fact all the other members were great to see, too. Even if Red Tornado's fate is a wee bit... uncertain. Yeah, it was a good episode. But I can hardly wait to see next week's "Super Friends" story. Aquaman. 4 starfish

The Batman: The Bat in the Belfry: You can tell that Matsuda worked on the designs in this show. I'm not sure I really like it, though. I really don't like the Joker redesign, and I'm going to have to see much more of the Gotham PD before I know what to think of them. Mixed feelings, overall. Once I've seen more of the show, I'll get more of an opinion. 3 1/2 starfish

Identity Crisis #4 (Of 7): Well, hey. That's slightly different. I mean, who expected a positive turn of events in this book? This title still hasn't lived up to the pre-release hype at all. It's mildly good, but nothing I would recommended enthusiastically. This issue is quite a bit better than the first three, but that really isn't saying all that much. It's still just ok. 3 1/2 starfish

JSA: Strange Adventures #2: I really don't get this. The story seems to have a split personality and I'm not sure which bits are "happening" and which are memories. There's promise, yes, but I'm getting so much interference just trying to figure out what's what that I'm not really enjoying this much. 3 1/2 starfish

Still to review: Birds of Prey, JLA Secret Files, Batman Strikes, Strange, The Ballad of Sleeping Beauty, and Colonia.