Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 15 September 2004 - Part III

The Batman: Call of the Cobblepot: Well, that's a different version of the Penguin. Well, not really. He's obnoxious, rude, trains birds... and gets Alfred involved in the story. I liked Alfred in this one, although I keep expecting him to be more intense than he is. Another ok episode. 3 1/2 starfish

The Batman Strikes! #1: Well, I'm glad I managed to see the second episode of the show before I actually read this issue, because the Penguin's attitude made more sense that way. The book was disjointed at times, and the story didn't flow too well, but the art was good. I'm neutral on it, let's hope it improves a bit over the next few issues. 3 starfish

Birds of Prey #74: Well, on the one hand, this is much more coherant than the cult plotline. On the other hand, what was the stuff in the last issue about? There doesn't seem to be a proper resolution. Some nice bits with Savant and Canary, at least. Not horrible, but still not quite what I expect from this book. Mildly recommended. 3 1/2 starfish

Still to review: The Ballad of Sleeping Beauty and Colonia.