Friday, September 24, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 22 September 2004 - Part II

Avengers #502: The cover proclaims "One of these Avengers will die!" and I found myself thinking, "yeah? So?" Not good. The coloring on this book was way off the norm, and distracted from the story. Enough that I'm commenting on it. Mood lighting only goes so far, and in this story it went too far. The only excitement I got out of this story was the thought of seeing a particular blog once the blogger hears about/reads this issue. That's not enough to recommend it. Neutral. 3 starfish

Plastic Man #10: I'm not generally humor impaired, or at least I thought I wasn't... but I don't find this book amusing at all. It's like every attempt is just falling flat. I may have to stop reading it for a bit and come back to it to see if it's just me, or if the book simply isn't that funny. Neutral. 3 starfish

H-E-R-O #20: Leading up to a dramatic finish, I see, with a gathering of the heroes. I don't have a lot to say about this one, just that I'm really curious about how this whole thing is going to finally turn out. I'm liking it, more than I expected to. It's a shame this book is ending, but wow... it's going to be one heckuva ending, now, isn't it? 4 starfish

Still to review: Noble Causes, Smallville, and Daisy Kutter.